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The growing of a spiritual and educational centre

   In 1911 in the small, creative village of Havelock North, New Zealand, several Christians met daily in ‘Silent worship’. Harriot Felkin, a member of the group, received guidance that in the future the people in the Southern Hemisphere would take a leading part in the renewal of a damaged world. She was told to look for a suitable site in Taupo to form a Centre for this purpose.  In 1969 a property above Acacia Bay was purchased and Tauhara Centre built there. Since then, Tauhara Centre and silent worship has inspired many  people to become their True Self. 


© Skye Isaac 2002

ISBN 0-473-09871-7  

94 pages

Colour  21cm x 18cm  



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   My English grandparents, Ellen and Allen  Walker, after a publicly acclaimed lifetime in  London, came to live near our family on Napier Hill, New Zealand, when I was seven years old.  For the next seven years they inspired me with everything I hold dear. Eccentric. Creative. Gifted. I learnt from  them to open up to subtle, eternal, infinite worlds beyond the visible, with gratitude. 









© Skye Isaac 2012  Reprint 2018
ISBN 978-0-473-20342-9

30 pages
Colour  21cm x 18cm



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Unfurl True Self

   Every culture has a Creation story. Today, Quantum physics shows us that our thoughts and perceptions co create our world in an ever-changing process. We don’t just live in a Universe, the universe lives in us. You might ask, “Who Am I now?”  Am I really GOD-stuff in a biodegradable earth body suit? 
   In my story, on the eighth day of Creation Humankind begins to awaken to the GIFT, their innate capacity to co create. On the ninth day humans heal the inherited splits deep inside, & learn interdependence. On the tenth day people live their True Self and on the eleventh day of Creation, driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world resonate with each other as conscious co-creators. 


© Skye Isaac 2020  Reprint 2021
ISBN 978-0-473-51537-9

90 pages. 19 colour illustrations.  

9 b/w illustrations.
21cm x 18cm  Softcover


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